Top questions to ask your congressperson or senator

Have you ever wanted the opportunity to meet a Congressperson or Senator? The perfect chance is during a school trip to Washington, D.C. Students looking to get involved in government/politics can make an early connection and jumpstart for future career opportunities. Below we have outlined our top questions for students to ask when meeting an elected official. Use the link below to begin planning your Washington, D.C. School Trip and mention wanting to meet a congressperson or senator to our landmark team.
How Landmark keeps you and your students safe on a trip.

Traveling is exciting, it is fun, it is unforgettable, but it can also be scary. Going out into the world, into the unfamiliar can make you vulnerable and afraid. This is one of the primary reasons we do what we do. The benefits of having a highly esteemed tour operator go beyond the hassle of planning the trip. It comes with expert safety knowledge and a leader on the ground with you ready to tackle any unforeseen event that may take place. As the world gets back into travel full force, we are ready and prepared to guide your group through anything.
The Best Things to See & Do in Georgetown – Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C. is full of history and entertainment, but, it’s neighborhood cities are where you are bound to find endless activities for your group. Georgetown is a charming area full of great restaurants, upscale shopping, trails, and fun activities. We have done the digging for you, to create the quintessential list of destinations for your visit to one of Washington, D.C.’s most visited cities.
Our take on the top HBCU Campuses in the U.S.

Taking a tour of an HBCU College campus is a crucial step for all prospective college students. If you are interested in attending any of the more than 100 historically black colleges and universities, HBCU college tours offer students the unique opportunity of visiting several campuses in a single trip.
Greece Reaches Record Tourism Growth

The Greek tourism sector was able to produce earnings throughout the summer that were comparable to the previous record year of 2019. The Ministry of Tourism is working to extend the season into the winter. At the same time, more and more Americans are traveling to Greece.