Disney World School Trips

On your next school trip to Orlando, Florida, there is more to do at Walt Disney World than meets the eye. There are exceptional educational experiences to take advantage of at the “Happiest Place on Earth”. As you plan your trip you will quickly discover the educational opportunities and benefits that Disney has to offer, along with an extremely fun field trip.
Student Trip to Italy

From the ruins of Pompeii to the mesmerizing ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, there is so much to learn on a student trip to Italy. Cruise the Venice canals and hike through the hills of Tuscany, all while enjoying some of the finest meals in the world.
Students have become accustomed to studying in a classroom, and learning through the lens of a textbook. On an educational tour students are able to see firsthand things that have only been seen through pictures of or read about. Let history come alive and let student’s imaginations and curiosity roam free.
Sustainable Travel: Uncovering our tips for sustainable group travel.

The world is changing, and so is the travel industry. As travel enthusiasts and experts, we are changing with the times and rethinking the way we not only plan our trips but run our business.
3 Fascinating Museums for Student Tours to Washington, DC

No matter what your interests may be, while visiting Washington, D.C., there are ample opportunities for students to explore and experience a new museum on virtually every corner.
Four Must-See Monuments & Memorials in Washington, DC for Students

While all Monumnets and Memorials in DC are incredible to witness in their own right, here are just a few of our top choices to experience on an educational trip catered to students.
How to plan your next School trip to Washington, D.C.

hOW TO PLAN YOUR NEXT SCHOOL TRIP TO wASHINGTON, d.c. HOW TO PLAN YOUR NEXT SCHOOL TRIP TO WASHINGTON DC. Washington D.C. is our nation’s capital and one of the most sought-after destinations for school trips. Year after year busloads of bright young students are brought to learn and discover about our country’s Founding Fathers, […]